As we face a global pandemic, financial devastation, political unrest, racial injustice, and accelerating climate change, the people of Earth are suffering and desperate. We have allowed these threats to divide us against one another and have retreated into hatred and exclusion as a response to our fear. But such a time of crisis and dissolution calls for just one solution … just one cure to heal these deadly afflictions: we need to love one another.
Love is the only medicine that can transform our suffering into beauty and growth.
In the Torah it is written: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Roman philosopher Seneca wrote: “Love one another and do not strive for another’s undoing.”
Buddha spoke: “Radiate boundless love towards the entire world — above, below, and across — unhindered, without ill will, without enmity.”
Sufi poet Rumi wrote: “Love is the bridge between you and everything.”
Mahatma Gandhi said: “Where there is love there is life.”
Paramahansa Yogananda spoke: “Have only love in your heart for others. The more you see the good in them, the more you will establish good in yourself.”
Jesus said: “Love one another.” “Love your neighbor as yourself.” “Love your enemies.”
Throughout the history of humankind, our greatest wisdom teachers have taught us to love one another … that we are connected to all of life throughout the universe and our highest purpose is to give love to all others,
including those we view as our enemies;
including those who have wounded us;
including those who disagree with us;
including those who hate us.
To love the unlovable is the greatest challenge we will face in our lifetimes and we are being called to meet that challenge right here, right now at this moment in history. It is time to wake up and recognize that we are not separate from any other life in the universe – we are connected, we are one.
Smiling Bear from the Cherokee tribe spoke: “All life is sacred and all creation related. What we do affects the whole universe. So let us walk in Balance with Mother Earth and all her peoples.”
It is time to restore balance on this planet through love and compassion. We will not move forward with anger in our thoughts or hatred in our hearts. We must release all within us that does not foster love – all judgment, blame, condemnation, shame, ridicule, fear, greed, superiority. We are at a crossroads – only love will lead to our survival.
Some hearts have been hardened by pain—it is time for them to soften.
Some minds have been narrowed by fear of change—it is time for them to open.
Some eyes have been blinded by prejudice—it is time for them to see again.
Some souls have been beaten down by injustice—it is time for them to rise up.
Oglala Sioux Holyman said: “Every step you take should be a prayer. And if every step you take is a prayer, then you will always be walking in a sacred manner.”
Now is the time to be soft and open and clear-sighted, and empowered. Now is the time for every step you take to be a prayer of love for yourself, for all people in this world, for all animals and plants of the earth, for the planet itself.